
   2022-06-08 发条网0
核心提示:New Senior English For ChinaStudent’s Book 4Unit 3 A taste of English humorThe Second PeriodTeaching Aims:1. Learn and m

New Senior English For China

Student’s Book 4

Unit 3 A taste of English humor

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the useful words andphrases.

2. Let the student learn from nonverbal humor.

3. Train the students’ predicting, skimmingand summarizing ability during reading the text.

4. Encourage the students to keep optimisticattitude to life, foster sense of humor and cultivate their taste.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the following phrases and words:

feel…content with, performers, astonishing,unfortunately, worse off, ordinary, bored, entertaining, throughout, homeless,moustache, failure, overcome, leather, pick out, cut off, chew, convincing,direct, star in, outstanding, Switzerland.

2. Enable the students to understand the textbetter.

3. Improve the students’ predicting, skimmingand summarizing ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to make the students understand thetext better.

2. How to make the students understand thefollowing sentence.

Not that Charlie’s own lifewas easy!

Teaching Methods:

1. Playing the footage of The Gold Rush and asking the students some questions.

2. Scanning the text to get some informationabout Charlie Chaplin.

3. Careful reading to summarize the main ideasof each paragraph.

4. Individual, pair or group work to makeevery student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. a multimedia classroom

2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the wholeclass as usual.

Step Ⅱ Leading-inand Pre-reading

1. Review thecontent of last class (Comparing Chinese and western humor).

2. Play the footageof The Gold Rush.

3. Let the students think about and discussthe questions in the part of Pre-reading.

If the studentscan not answer the questions perfectly, the teacher should consummate theanswer.

Step Ⅲ Reading

1. Let the students scan the text to get someinformation about Charlie Chaplin and accomplish Comprehending One.

Suggested answers:

Born: 1889

Job: Actor

Famous character: Little tramp

Costume: moustache, large trousers, worn-out shoes,small round black hat, walking stick.

Type of acting: nonverbal humor

Died: Switzerland, 1977

2. Let the students carefully read the text andaccomplish Comprehending Two.

Suggested answers:

Paragraph 1: Atalent comedy actor

Paragraph 2: Life

Paragraph 3: Little tramp

Paragraph 4: Example

Paragraph 5: Achievement

Step Ⅳ Discussion

Accomplish ComprehendingThree.

Suggested answers:

1. Yes, I think so. Because his poor childhoodoffered the experience of poor life and toughened him.

2. Because he brightened the lives ofAmericans and British through two world wars and the hard years in between, andup to now no body has been able to do this better than him.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

Summary: In this class, we have read a text about a famous prince of comedy—Charlie Chaplin. We have known that Chaplin is atalent performer. We should learn optimistic attitude to life from CharlieChaplin. We also learned some words and phrases in the text.

Homework: Let the students watch one of Charlie Chaplin’s films and then work in pairsaccording to Comprehending Four.

Step Ⅵ The Design of Writing on the blackboard

Unit 3 A taste of English humor

The Second Period

A Master of Nonverbal Humor

Main Body

Paragraph 1: A talent comedy actor

Paragraph 2: Life

Paragraph 3: Little tramp

Paragraph 4: Example

Paragraph 5: Achievement

Step Ⅶ Record after teaching

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